On Stage Cares, Gift Card Assistance Program



For the month of April, 20% is on Us!

For many businesses during this off-beat season,  cash-flow has proven to be the greatest struggle.  If you are one of the many businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic,  we've  come up with a way to help you.


Gift Card assistance
One of the  best ways to build cash flow at this time is through the sale of gift cards. While you might not be open or only in a limited capacity, the cash on hand from those gift card sales can help support your team and other financial obligations as a business.

Get (and give) an extra 20%
As incentive for your customers to buy more gift cards from you,  On-Stage is willing to front an extra 20% of gift card values. So, you can advertise to your customers, “Get a $120 gift card for $100!” or “Buy a $50 gift card and get an extra $10 on us!”.

We'll take care of the rest

To cover that value, On-Stage will give that extra 20% back to you in products. So, on your next On-Stage order, we’ll knock off the necessary amount.  We don’t need any up-front purchase orders.  You can place them when you need them and you’ll be credited straightaway. *

This offer is only valid till the end of April.
For more information, please contact our sales team.

 A limited-time offer to help businesses with cash-flow during COVID-19.



*Future discounts to cover the 20% must accompany a PO 5x the amount we owe you. For example, if we owe you $100, please submit a PO or PO (s) totaling $500 in On-Stage products.Product must be shippable value. No up-front PO’s required and the total amount owed can be paid out in installments/across numerous PO’s. 
We've created a collection of social media posts you could use to advertise this gift card program. Click the button below to access the images.

Do you have any questions?
 Our  Specialists are ready to assist you today.






The Music People
154 Woodlawn Road, Suite C, Berlin, CT 06037
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