On-Stage Stands up for Sandy Hook Elementary School

On-Stage Sandy Hook 5K Race Team

The recent tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT made a profound impact on The Music People, Inc. (TMP), headquartered in Berlin, CT.  To honor the memory of precious lives lost and to demonstrate its support of the surviving families, TMP will sponsor a team to participate in the SANDY HOOK RUN FOR THE FAMILIES, a very special event organized by the Hartford Marathon Foundation.

As a team sponsor, the company has registered 20 members of the TMP family in the 5K run, and hopes to register even more participants before the race opens on Saturday, March 23, 2013. The team, named “On-Stage Stands up for Sandy Hook”, will be wearing T-Shirts designed specifically for the event.  The 5K run is open to runners and walkers of all abilities.

On December 21, 2012, one week after the world learned of the tragic events at Newtown, TMP honored the victims of Sandy Hook by observing the national moment of silence.  But that did not seem to be enough for the company.  “TMP wanted to do more. We weren’t sure exactly what we should do to show our support” explained Tom Tedesco, TMP’s Director of Business Development. “When we saw the Sandy Hook Run for the Families we knew that we had to be a part of this event,” he adds. “We realize the pain from that day will never go away completely but we wanted to show the families that, as a community, we support them and we’ll stand by their side in their time of need.”

For more details about the SANDY HOOK RUN FOR THE FAMILIES, please visit hartfordmarathon.com.

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