u-mount Power Banks WIN Best-in-Show at NAMM 2015

The Music People, Inc. is proud to announce that its On-Stage u-mount TB1004 Power Banks was selected among the “Best in Show” at Winter NAMM 2015. Considering all the great products at the convention this year, this is a great honor for the company. The TB1004 joins previous On-Stage products to win Best in Show honors, including the 2012 u-mount product that started it all, the TCM9150 Folio Case. 


“Best in Show” winners were picked by a panel of industry retailers including Gayle Beacock, Vic Salazar, John Grabowski, Lee Anderton, Myrna Sislen and Chris Tso. Each chose a favorite in several categories, with the TB1004 Power Banks taking the prize for Best Accessory or Add-on. The awards were announced at a ceremony held during the Sunday morning breakfast, moderated by Music Inc.’s Frank Alkyer.


A big “Thank You!” to Gayle Beacock, co-owner of Beacock Music in Vancouver, Washington, for selecting the TB1004 Power Banks. As she puts it, “It will mount to your microphone stand, your boom stand or your music stand… any stand that you want. And what makes this really special is that it has 13 hours of charge.” The TB1004 is a rechargeable 7800mAh battery pack in a sleek cylindrical shape. It’s styled to match the u-mount product line, but its universal 5V USB output is compatible with any USB-powered tablet, phone, camera, speaker, or other device, adding hours of playtime over internal batteries alone. The TB1004 includes a versatile base that features the patented u-mount clamp, mountable to all the places Beacock mentioned, and more. Power Bank is available in a smaller package, too; the 2200mAh TB1000 shares all features of its big brother, but in an ultra compact form.


“Best in Show” winners represent the best products at NAMM, gear that’s certain to be a big deal in the coming year. The Music People is proud to have yet another product make the cut and promises to keep putting out accessories that drives sales and profits. Have a great year!



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